Who We Are
You've Been Through Hail rooted in 2024 after several individuals with over 35 years of experience realized what the auto hail repair industry was lacking. Many "fly by night" companies have given the PDR industry a bad image. These companies chase hail storms and set up temporary shops or tents and move cities once business slows. Most of these companies offer a lifetime warranty on repairs, but some close shop and are never seen again. These types of storm chaser companies are not concerned about the quality of the repair because they know they will not return to complete warranty work. What good is a lifetime warranty if you cannot use it?
Our company has done the leg work researching to collaborate a network of qualified PDR shops in many areas that meet our standards. We are the FACE to our customers, so our reputation is on the line based on the shops in our network. Our partnerships require qualifications that most customers do not know to look for. We do your due diligence by handling your entire repair process at a Gold Star Rated PDR shop.
Most insurances promote "shops on their list" or a "preferred shop". These companies work on behalf of the insurance company by contract pricing for the most "economical", vs. the "best way" to repair. We usually have to supplement insurance adjuster's estimates to get the overlooked damage approved. amounts approved is at no cost to you including repairs, and are compensated by your insurance claim.
We strive for customer satisfaction in hopes they will return after future storms.