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After a hail storm, there are many factors that can impact the timing of repair for your vehicle. The busiest time for dent repair shops and auto insurance companies is right after the hail storm. However, there are many reasons not to postpone repairs, although it can be a huge burden. Insurance companies have catastrophe teams (CAT) that assist by following these weather-related disasters since the demand for additional help is needed in that area. Their goal is to assist local claims adjusters with the volume. Also, mobile hail damage repair shops come to a storm area to assist with repairs since local shops get backed up. Usually, the longest part of auto hail repair is the insurance approval process. Since most adjusters evaluate the damage without washing or having the proper lighting with a dark setting, they do not see all of the dents. This means the insurance adjuster’s initial estimate approval will likely have overlooked damage. Once your selected repair shop takes possession of your vehicle, their estimator will usually discover any unnoticed damage. The shop will then prepare a supplement estimate and submit it to your insurance for approval. Each insurance company is different, so any disputes or concerns for additional damage may require their adjuster to do an on-site inspection to review with your shop. Once all repairs are approved by your insurance, the shop will order parts and begin repairs. Parts are occasionally are on backorder, so this delay puts repair time at the mercy of that part manufacturer. If your vehicle is all paintless dent repair, the turnaround is within a few days depending on the backlogged wait time. However, any vehicles needing paint (cracked or replaced parts) will have added time for body shop repairs. The body shop will need to disassemble, sand, prime, spray, apply clear coat, and reassemble any damaged areas. This process alone takes several days since the paint will also need to properly cure and harden before completion. Once your vehicle is complete, your shop will require any payments that your insurance sent you (even with lien holder) to release the vehicle. ontent of your post goes here.